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Kick-Off Meeting of the INTEM in BANDUNG, INDONESIA

Leiden Ethnosystems and Development Programme (LEAD) of the Faculty of Science, Leiden University as the Programme Institution has had a kick-off meeting from the 1st of April to 10th of April 2019 in Bandung, Indonesia. The meeting was conducted at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Padjadjaran from the 1st of April until the 5th of April and followed by the meeting at the Pantere Building of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, from the 6th to 10th of April 2019. As part of the implementation of the Preparation phase of the project, the meeting has concluded several results:

1) The MoU among Programme Institution and Partner Institutions
2) The Project Agenda of the whole INTEM Project lifetime until the end of 2021.
3) The Project Agenda for the Needs Assessment, incl. Educational Needs Assessment and Societal Needs Assessment,
4) The distribution of Partnership Agreement of the INTEM Project

The Kick-off was attended by all project members from the Programme Institution and 7 partner institutions incl. CIHEAM-MAICh, Crete, Ministry of Tourism of Greece - Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Universitas Padjadjaran-Bandung Indonesia, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - Bandung, Indonesia, Yayasan Trisakti - Trisakti School of Tourism, Jakarta Indonesia, Indonesian Heritage Society and Martha Tilaar Foundation, Indonesia. 

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The INTEM Project has been attracted to the public, including the Indonesian Ambassador to the Netherlands in the Hague, H.E. I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja. Some news-media have given their coverage regarding the implementation of the INTEM Project.

1) Leiden University News 
2) Pikiran Rakyat Daily News
3) STP Trisakti News
4) UPI News
5) UNPAD News

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