KICK-OFF Meeting of the INTEM Project
The Kick-Off Meeting of the Integrated Ecotourism Management in Indonesia (INTEM) has been conducted in Bandung from 1 to 10 April 2019. The meeting was held in Universitas Padjadjaran and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Read more.
The signing of the MoU among Participating Institutions
The Memorandum of Understanding among the Participating Institutions of the INTEM Project has been signed during the Kick-Off Meeting in Bandung.
Grant Holders Meeting at Brussels
The Project Manager of the INTEM Project, Professor L. Jan Slikkerveer from the LEAD Programme of Leiden University attended the Grant Holder's Meeting at Brussels from 26-28 January 2019. Further Information about the Meeting can be found here.

Educational & Societal Needs Assessment
As part of the project implementation, the project members conducted Field Survey as part of its Educational & Societal Needs Assessment (ESNA). The study was conducted in Cibuntu Village & Ciletuh Geopark of West Java on August 2019

2nd Meeting of the INTEM Project
The INTEM Project had conducted the 2nd Meeting in Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Crete, Greece from 27 September to 7 October 2019. The meeting has discussed several topics i.e. ESNA results, Future Plan of the Work Packages, etc.

Workshop for the Preparation of the INTEM Tutor in UPI, Bandung Indonesia
The Workshop for the Preparation of the INTEM Tutor was conducted on the 22 November 2019. The Workshop discussed by the Indonesian Project Members to prepare group of tutors which were prepared to join the Tutor Training of the INTEM. The Workshop was participated by the 15 Tutor's Candidate from three project member universities in Indonesia: Universitas Padjadjaran, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Trisakti School of Tourism.
Partner Institutions/Beneficiaries of the INTEM Project

Ministry of Tourism
ASTEK School of Tourism,
Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

Marth Tilaar Foundation (MTF)